
When you donate to Survivor's Hope Crisis Centre.....

You join the community in empowering....

1. Survivors of sexual violence to receive guidance and support while accessing essential medical and criminal services 2. Survivors to have the opportunity to form safe relationships with Sexual Assault Recovery and Healing counsellors during individual, long-term counselling and to realize they are not alone in facilitated support groups with other survivors 3. Students in schools across Manitoba to learn up-to-date and valuable life skills such as healthy relationships, self-esteem, respect, and mental health taught by Sexual Assault Discussion Initiative facilitators 4. Community engagement events to ensure our services are visible and accessible, outreach to partner organizations, and a network of sexual assault prevention providers in rural Manitoba 5. Survivor's Hope Crisis Centre staff to receive vital training to ensure best, trauma-informed practices and most compassionate care for the people we work with 6. Opportunities for innovative program development and to ensure SHCC has a lasting presence and impact

Survivor’s Hope Crisis Centre Inc. is a registered charitable organization. Donations to support our programs are gratefully accepted and receipts for tax purposes will be issued.

Your financial contributions can be mailed to:
Survivor’s Hope Crisis Centre Inc.,
Box 925
Pinawa Manitoba R0E 1L0

or sent through secure e-transfer to

Donations can also be made through