
For Service Providers, Workplaces & Families

A classroom of people look towards a projector screen that states "Sex - consent" and "rape - power & control".

Our workshops are developed with the intention to mitigate the effects of sexual violence in our communities, shift cultural perspectives, and reduce stigma experienced by survivors.  Content reflects research and articles not limited to peer-reviewed journals, survivor voices, statistical data, best-practices and ethics of mental health professional designations, the Canadian Criminal Code, and harm reduction principles.

If you are interested in having us present a workshop to a group, either in-person or by virtual means, we look forward to hearing from you.  We are available to consult with you on the needs of the group you are working with and customize workshops to best meet those needs. Fees vary based on location, group size, and customization.

For more information or to schedule a workshop on anything related to sexual violence or healthy relationships, please call our office at 204-753-5353 or fill out the form below.

Topics & Content

You are welcome to utilize the workshop content below for education purposes and personal use.  Please do not modify any of the files.

Compassionate Responding to Sexualized Violence

Context & Compassion

CONSENT. A drawing of french fries with a carton that says "I heart fries". An acronym for "FRIES" is listed to mean "Freely Given, Reversible, Informed, Enthusiastic, Specific". From Planned Parenthood. Attendees will learn context surrounding sexual violence, why it occurs, the effects it has, where to seek support, and gain confidence in compassionately responding to an individual who discloses their experiences.

Topics covered include:

  • What is sexualized violence? – Legal & trauma-informed definitions
  • Understanding consent
  • Societal & systemic root causes of violenc
  • The impacts of rape culture & busting myths
  • What are boundaries?
  • Empathic responses to disclosures
  • Grounding techniques
  • Self & community care

Sexual Assault Recovery and Healing (SARAH)

Lunch & Learn Series

SARAH Lunch & Learn workshops are free learning opportunities and held from 12pm – 1pm over Microsoft Teams.

Content is formatted with both service providers and survivors in mind. For more information or to get on the contact list to hear about future workshops, e-mail

Watch past workshops:

Three people sit looking at a laptop and pointing at the screen

Terms & Definitions

A series of pins that say "my pronouns are she/her - Survivor's Hope Crisis Centre." "they/them" "she/they" "he/him" "ze/hir". A pillow in the background shows a circle with wedges that list different feelings. Language is constantly evolving, but language is also powerful and meaningful.  It expresses intent, respect, and knowledge.  The words we choose impacts the way we feel about ourselves, the stigma of sexualized violence that survivor’s experience, and the relationships that we are able to build between each other.

These quick reference documents give brief, trauma-informed, simplifications of complicated concepts and terms that may be used when speaking about sexual violence, the impacts of this experience, and how to begin to heal.

References are provided and we encourage you to explore these valuable resources for more information.  You may also contact us (using the form above) to achieve a better understanding, or, to arrange a workshop for your organization to learn more about sexual violence terminology.

Sexual Assault Discussion Initiative (SADI)

  • SADI Workshops for Manitoba Youth in Interlake-Eastern schools.  For more information or to schedule a SADI workshop, please visit: SADI Workshops