Project SMOKE

Sexual Misconduct Outreach, Knowledge & Empowerment

This project is funded by the Department of National Defence’s Sexual Misconduct Support and Resource Centre.

Project SMOKE (Sexual Misconduct Outreach Knowledge & Empowerment) provides free, confidential counselling and support to service members (current or previous) along with their family and friends, impacted by sexual misconduct and military sexual trauma.

We offer:

  • 1-on-1 Counselling – brief or long-term 
  • Land-Based Healing
  • Healing Groups
  • Education Sessions
  • Consultation
  • Support for medical appointments
  • Court Support
  • Support reporting to appropriate authorities

Everything is confidential, free and survivor-led.

Click here to download a brochure 

Click here to download a referral form.


Is the support Confidential?

We make every effort to keep our notes brief and confidential. We are funded by the Department of National Defence’ Sexual Misconduct Support and Resource Centre but are a separate, civilian organization, with our own documentation systems and privacy policies.

The CAF duty to report no longer exists. Our exceptions to confidentiality are:

  • Immediate Risk (to yourself or others)
  • Subpoena
  • Child Welfare concerns

Who can Access Support?

Anyone 16 years of age and older who has been directly or indirectly affected by sexual misconduct and/or military sexual trauma. This includes:

  • Members of CAF
  • Former Members of CAF/Veterans
  • Current and former DND public service employees
  • Cadets
  • Junior Canadian Rangers
  • Family members, supporters, and caregivers of the above individuals

Project SMOKE is funded for supporting those in the wider Defence community.

Our SARAH program (Sexual Assault Recovery and Healing) supports folks 13+ living in Interlake-Eastern Manitoba.

Do I have to disclose that I’m in the Military?


We will ask some intake questions to ensure our mandate is met, but you decide what you share and when, if ever.

What is Counselling?

A conversation with a calm, well-trained counsellor. You discuss what you want to achieve, then work towards those goals with a non-judgmental, insightful person. This can include processing trauma, figuring out coping, exploring identity, education and more.

What is the structure of counselling?

You and your counsellor will make a plan together. Usually sessions are about an hour, can be weekly, every 2 weeks or on a schedule that works for you.

The first session is often spent going over policies, getting to know each other and planning goals.

We meet in person at partner agencies or finding private spaces on the land, over Google Meets and/or over the phone.

Contact or 204-753-5353 for more information or to access counselling.

Use the form below for general inquiries.

Funded by the
Department of National Defence’s
Sexual Misconduct Support and Resource Centre