
Sexual Assault Discussion Initiative

What is SADI?

The SADI (Sexual Assault Discussion Initiative) Program is an education resource for schools in Interlake-Eastern Manitoba, funded by the Manitoba Government’s Gender-Based Violence Prevention Program .  SADI provides workshops for grades 6, 8, 10 and 12 students on topics including healthy self-esteem, gender, media literacy, internet safety and exploitation, mental health and trauma, healthy relationships, and sexual violence.

SADI Facilitators will also work to adapt workshop content to meet the specific needs of a community, through collaboration with school faculty and administrators.

Three denim panels with hand-written text on them. "My body My Choice" "my clothes do not consent to sexual favors. No means no. My body my choice" "my body my choice". The middle panel has a red ribbon.


Why is it important to empower youth & have these conversations with SADI?

Universal Human Rights. United Nations Human Rights Treaty - Canada signed the CEDAW on July 17, 1980 and ratified it on December 10, 1981. We all have the right to be our true authentic selves without fear of discrimination and stereotyping based on race, religion, age, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, marital or family status, source of income, political belief, disability, or social disadvantage. We must celebrate what makes us different and unique instead of judging one another for it. When we are free to live our authentic lives, we will have a better relationship with ourselves and others.

Our workshops for students are guided by the learning outcomes from the Manitoba Curriculum (Family Studies, Guidance Education, Physical/Health Education).

We uphold the universal human rights of all youth by empowering them with knowledge, support, and discussion opportunities.

We are committed to creating and maintaining fair and equitable educational environments, in alignment with Manitoba’s Education and Early Childhood document on Supporting Transgender and Gender Diverse Students in Manitoba Schools, the Canadian National Action Plan to End Gender-Based Violence, and the United Nations Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW). 

Further, we recognize the prevalence of sexual violence  experienced by youth in Manitoba schools and exist as a key factor in the prevention of further harm, by working towards changing the culture and attitudes that allow violence to persist and build healthier relationships and communities.

What do SADI Workshops teach?

"This information is important for Grade 12’s to know since they are entering a new chapter in their life where they will be meeting new people and starting relationships that are different from ones made in high school. It’s important to know the signs of abuse and that there are sources out there for people, since abusers use manipulation tactics that are isolating. Entering this new stage in life, teenagers might be led to believe that “this is how it always is”, and this presentation tells us otherwise. These presentations are important since you get to look at the difference between a healthy and an unhealthy relationship and mental health. They also provide sources for people who are in need of help currently or in the future. Their style of teaching allows you to reflect on your own ideas and allows you to get involved through activities which are much more engaging than just being “talked to”" -Former Grade 12 student of SADI Grade 6 student workshops

Workshop 1: How our Emotions Help us Build Healthy Relationships and Maintain Personal Boundaries
Workshop 2: Gender and Media Literacy – Deconstructing Advertising
Workshop 3: The Responsible Bystander: Face to Face and Online

Grade 6 SADI summary & resources available here


Grade 8 student workshops

Workshop 1: Healthy Self /Healthy Relationships
Workshop 2: Healthy Relationship Jeopardy
Workshop 3: Sexual and Gender Diversity & Digital Media Literacy
Workshop 4: Internet Safety & Exploitation

Grade 8 SADI summary & resources available here


Grade 10 student workshops

Workshop 1: Self Esteem and Personal Power
Workshop 2: Respect and Communication in Relationships
Workshop 3: Sexual Harassment, Homophobia, Biphobia, Transphobia

Grade 10 SADI summary & resources available here


Grade 12 student workshops

Workshop 1: Stress and Our Mental Health
Workshop 2: Dating Violence and Patterns of Abuse
Workshop 3: Understanding Sexual Violence
Workshop 4: Grade 12 Masterclass Jeopardy

Grade 12 SADI summary & resources available here

How do I get SADI in my school?

All workshops are between 60-75 minutes long and are delivered in the order listed. Each workshop builds on the information provided in the previous workshop.

View below SADI Calendar for availability.

Schools, and families attending schools, in the Interlake-Eastern area of Manitoba interested in learning more about our workshops are encouraged to contact us at More detailed workshop outlines with associated learning outcomes can be provided.

SADI Workshop policies can be viewed here: SADI Workshop Policies Document 


Small pieces of paper are laid on an orange table. The papers are organized into categories of Physical, Emotional/Verbal, Sexual, Digital, Financial and types of harm are listed below, such as kicking, throwing things, choking, name calling, mood swings, jealousy, anxiety, sex trafficking, rape, blackmail, withholding money. A small youth hand is giving a peace sign.

SADI Calendar

Dates in PURPLE

Contact Us

Where can I find more resources?