Workplace Sexual Harassment

In recognition of the 2018 National Victims and Survivors of Crime Week,  the Department of Justice Canada generously supported us at Survivor’s Hope Crisis Centre to create resource packages for rural businesses.

These resource packages compile a wealth of relevant information on workplace sexual harassment in order to better equip rural businesses in creating workplaces that are safe for employees in every way.

The #MeToo Movement has shone a light on the need for more education and awareness on this issue. We are all a part of creating a respectful culture, and more specifically, employers are responsible for creating a respectful workplace culture.

You will find included in this resource package:

  • Workplace Sexual Harassment Fact Sheet PDF
  • Workplace Sexual Harassment Offender Resources to be photocopied and shared as needed with your co-workers PDF
  • Workplace Sexual Harassment Victim Resources to be photocopied and shared as needed with your co-workers PDF
  • Canada Labour Code Sexual Harassment Labour Standards handout
  • Sample workplace sexual harassment policy, courtesy of Manitoba Human Rights Commission PDF
  • Guide to Manitoba Human Rights Code PDF
  • “Workplace Sexual Harassment” brochure PDF
  • “How to help someone after Sexualized Violence” brochure PDF
  • “What is Sexual Assault” brochure PDF
  • “Sexualized Violence: roots, reactions, and responses” infographic

We are available to consult with you on the needs in your workplace and help you customize a workplace sexual harassment policy. We can also provide support to any employees who may need it. If you want additional copies of any of the resources provided, please let us know.

We are excited to share this resource package with you and look forward to supporting you and your employees in whatever way you need. The request resource packages and presentation information, contact our office at 204-753-5353.